History of Reiki
Reiki is a method of healing that dates back to about 2500 years, but was forgotten about for a long time. Reiki roots come from India having passed through Tibet and China to Japan. In the nineteenth century the system was rediscovered by a man called Dr Mikao Usui.
While teaching in a college, Dr. Usui was asked by a student how Jesus facilitated the healing miracles that he performed. The question had planted a seed and set Dr. Usui out on the path to answer ‘that question’. During his journey Dr Usui travelled to the holy mountains of Kori Yama where he fasted and meditated for 21 days in order to attain a high altered state of consciousness. On the morning of the 21st day, Dr. Usui was beginning to become frustrated with his situation. As he was about to give up and leave, a great spiritual energy came down into the top of his head; he became enlightened The energy also bought with it Reiki Ryoho, which is the ability to heal.
Usui Sensei established clinics in Tokyo and traveled throughout Japan healing the sick and teaching his healing method. He became known throughout the country for his service to the injured following the massive Tokyo earthquake of 1923. Usui initiated more than 2000 students into Reiki and trained twenty Shihans prior to his death.
It was Hawayo Takata who introduced Reiki to the West. She established a clinic in Hilo, taught, and practiced in Hawaii for many years before bringing Usui’s healing method to the mainland in the early 1970’s. Before her passing in 1980, she had taught Reiki to countless men, women, and children, and had trained twenty-two teacher. Most present-day practitioners trace their lineage through her, and she is largely responsible for the spread of Reiki.